
Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

Academic Probation

The academic record of every student is reviewed by the Registrar's Office and the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success, in collaboration with members of the Office of the Registrar and the Center for Academic Success, at the end of each term. As a result of such reviews, students may be placed on academic probation as a warning that they are in danger of academic suspension for poor academic performance or insufficient progress in obtaining their degrees.

Students are placed on academic probation at the end of the fall or spring term when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Simultaneously, students on academic probation will enter the Academic Recovery Program (ARP).  Students on academic probation must remain full-time students until they are removed from probation unless special permission has been given by the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success.  The student is informed by email before the start of Fall or Spring term that their transcripts will reflect this change of standing. Notification to parents or guardians is informed by FERPA as indicated in the Student Handbook.  

Students on academic probation may continue to participate in co-curricular programs (such as athletics, theater, clubs, and organizations) upon review and approval by the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success. Students on academic probation are suspended when their GPA for any probationary term is less than 2.0. No student can remain on academic probation for more than two consecutive semesters without being suspended. 

Special Academic Standing Review of First-Time First-Year Students

First-time first-year students who have achieved less than a 1.00 GPA in their first semester at the College will have their academic record reviewed by the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success and the Provost/Dean of Faculty, in consultation with others, including the Vice President of Campus Life, Academic Advisor, and Director of Academic Support Services. After the review is complete, a decision may be made not to suspend the student, but to instead place the student on academic probation. These students are assigned to the Director of Academic Support Services as an additional academic advisor to assist the student and the First-Year Advisor in supporting the student’s academic recovery.  

Academic Recovery Program (ARP)

This program is intended to support the student’s progress toward “on-time” graduation (usually within four years) and assist the student in obtaining and maintaining good academic standing. Students who have completed fewer than 50% of attempted credits in a single term will be strongly encouraged to participate in the Academic Recovery Program by the Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success with a notification by email before the start of the following term. Notification to parents or guardians is informed by FERPA as indicated in the Student Handbook. The Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Success may invite students who need extra support but do not qualify by the above criteria. Students in this program must meet with the Director of Academic Support Services to develop a plan for academic recovery.  

Suspension and Dismissal

Students who have completed their second semester and beyond are suspended when their GPA in any term is less than 1.0, even if they have not previously been on academic probation. In addition, students on academic probation are suspended when their GPA for any probationary term is less than 2.0. No student may remain on academic probation for more than two consecutive semesters without being suspended. All students who are suspended have the right to appeal. Appeals are considered on a case-by-case basis. Students with a pending appeal of a suspension after spring semester who are taking a course in the first Summer Session term will be permitted to complete the course and, if applicable, remain in student housing regardless of the outcome of the appeal. A student who is suspended for academic reasons is not eligible to apply for readmission for at least six months. A student may be readmitted only once; a second suspension for academic reasons is known officially as an Academic Dismissal and becomes a permanent separation from the College for academic reasons. Suspension or dismissal from the College may also be mandated under conditions set forth under the conduct process. Probation, academic suspension or dismissal, and readmission are noted on the student’s official academic record and appear on transcripts sent outside the College. Parents or guardians are notified when a dependent student is placed on probation, suspension, or dismissal. Only in unusual circumstances can exceptions to the rules concerning probation, suspension, and dismissal be considered by the Academic Appeals Board.

Academic Appeals Board

The Academic Appeals Board is a part of the College’s governance system. It considers and acts on cases of academic probation, suspension, or dismissal; on cases in which students appeal the interpretation of faculty rules by a dean; and on cases in which faculty rules are unclear. The Board and the Dean of Students meet at the end of each semester to review the academic records of all students and to take such action as is necessary in cases involving academic probation, suspension, and dismissal.

Throughout the academic year, the Board considers appeals involving the academic policies of the College and their interpretation. In extraordinary cases, the Board grants exceptions to faculty rules, but only by a unanimous vote of all three voting members of the Board.

Students who wish to appeal an academic decision by a dean or who believe that they deserve an exemption from an academic policy may present a written appeal to the Board. The appeal must clearly describe the decision being appealed or the policy from which the student wishes to be exempted and must state the substantive reasons for the appeal.

Each appeal must also have attached a detailed statement from the advisor regarding the appeal. Additional information may be appended to the written appeal if desired. Each appeal must be signed and include the student’s mailing address. Appeals may be submitted to the Dean of Students or the chairperson of the Board by email.

To request credit for off-campus study, a student must see the Director of Off-Campus Programs.

Protection Against Improper Academic Evaluation

Students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established by their professors, but they will have protection against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation.

Students will be informed at the beginning of the course of the evaluative criteria to be used for that course. When a student believes his or her grade in a course has been prejudiced or capricious and has been unable to resolve the matter through interaction with the faculty member involved, the student may call the matter to the attention of the departmental chairperson. 

Students must contact the chairperson within two calendar weeks following the beginning of classes in the term following the alleged injustice. After the student has submitted a letter specifying the details of the alleged injustice, the chairperson will appoint a committee of the instructor’s colleagues to meet with the student and the instructor and hear evidence concerning the alleged injustice. Whenever possible, the committee will consist of three members of the instructor’s department. When the department is too small to permit this procedure, the committee may be composed of two colleagues instead of three. When the departmental chairperson is the instructor accused of the alleged injustice, the student may contact the faculty member of highest rank within the department other than the chairperson, who will appoint a review committee. Any student requesting a review is responsible for presenting for review all tests, papers, etc., that enter into a grade and that have been returned to the student. All tests, papers, etc., that enter into a grade and have not been returned to students will be kept on file by instructors for at least one semester following the end of a course. After hearing all available evidence in a particular case, the members of the review committee meet with the instructor (the student not being present) and state their opinions concerning the matter. If there is unanimous agreement among the committee members that a grade should be changed, the instructor is obligated to change the grade accordingly. In the absence of such unanimous agreement, the grade decision rests solely with the instructor. (This policy was approved by the faculty on April 4, 1967, with editorial revisions in July 1977 and June 1993.)